



At St Keverne School, our intent in mathematics is for pupils to experience a high-quality mathematics educationThis is delivered through our mastery curriculum grounded in the White Rose SchemeWe aim for our children to become fluent mathematicians who can use these skills to reason and problem solve whilst fostering a love for the subject.  These skills are embedded into our daily mathematics lessonsChildren are taught daily number fluency sessions: Number Sense, taught times tables and arithmetic sessions. 


Our maths curriculum reflects the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum Orders for Mathematics. At the core of our curriculum is the ‘White Rose’ scheme which uses ‘small steps’ to break down teaching sequences into logical, sequential steps to secure understanding of concepts before moving on. The areas of learning are: 

  • Number – including units on:place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, ratio, algebra, decimals, percentages, negative numbers 

  • Geometry – including units on: properties of shape, position and direction 

  • Measurement -including units on:length and height, mass and volume, area, perimeter, money, time, temperature 

  • Statistics 

These lessons happen daily throughout the school.  

We understand the value and importance of securing an early understanding of number and developing a set of core calculation skills to provide firm foundations for mathematical achievement. We are beginning to follow the Number Sense programmeto enable pupils to develop a deep understanding and security with number and help pupils to achieve factual fluency in addition and subtraction.  

Key Stage 2 use taught times tables and regular arithmetic sessions to embed and secure understanding of key facts and skills. 


Our curriculum needs to meet the needs of our children, including our disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND, so we spend time looking at and evaluating how children are learning. Teachers assess children using White Rose pre-unit, end of unit and end of term assessments. Pupils progress and understanding is also assessed through pupil conferencing, looking through their work, observations of their learning experiences and analysing data and progress. 


St Keverne Primary School
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