Mrs L Hodges
Class Teacher
Miss K Dilworth
Teaching Assistant
Autumn 1.
English - Reading
In Years 3 and 4, reading is split into a focus on the class novel, which is read daily by the class teacher, and age appropriate texts which are linked to the wider curriculum topic theme.
There is a focus on developing ‘deeper reading’ and fluency within daily lessons. Throughout the year, pupils analyse a range of fiction texts, non-fiction texts, poems and images in order to build their understanding and comprehension skills.
Lessons are an opportunity for children to immerse themselves in the world of stories and encounter new and exciting authors.
This half term, our lessons will be focusing on:
- Stone Age to Iron Age texts.
Our class reader this half term, will be:
The Stolen Spear by Saviour Pirotta
English - Writing
In Years 3 and 4, the curriculum focuses on developing children’s writing skills across a wide range of text types and genres.
Writing across the wider curriculum also ensures pupils write for different purposes and enables them to showcase their learning across the curriculum.
This half term, our lessons will be focusing on:
- Sentence composition and structure.
In Years 3 and 4, the curriculum focuses on developing children’s fluency with whole numbers, place value and the four fundamental maths operations.
Children will continue to build a deep understanding of number and number relationships and develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts and concepts, using either daily ‘Number Sense’ or arithmetic sessions.
This half term, our lessons will be focusing on:
- Number - Number and Place Value
- Number - Addition and Subtraction
In Years 3 and 4, we will be continuing to develop a range of scientific enquiry skills and range of specific scientific skills.
This half term, our lessons will be focusing on electricity, with the intention of answering our enquiry question, “What happens when I turn a switch on?” Children will be given the opportunity to learn what electricity is, how to stay safe around it and to create electrical circuits.
In Years 3 and 4, children will continue to develop their curiosity to know more about the past. They will continue to develop their skills in asking perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.
This half term, our lessons will focus on prehistory, with a focus on answering the enquiry question, “Why did settlements change from Stone Age to Iron Age.”
This half term, children will be asked to design and make a light that is suitable for use in a particular situation.
The device will be constructed from card, found materials and technical components. It will be powered by a battery and controlled by switches.
This unit will allow children to consolidate their science learning, whilst providing them an opportunity to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.
This half term, children will learn to describe themselves and others. As part of this unit, children will learn their vowels and consonants in French and learn how to respond confidently to greetings and register.
We will use simple songs and rhymes to support their learning and will begin to say short sentences to describe people.
Children will continue learn to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control.
They will develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing sounds from aural memory.
This half term, children will Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression, as part of unit, “ The World Around Us.”
This half term, we will be focusing on Buddhism with a focus on Buddha’s teachings. Over the half term, children will answer our enquiry question. “Can the Buddha’s teachings make the world a better place?”
Children have two sessions of PE each week. In their session with DT Coaching, children will focus on developing a range of skills in multi-activities, including football and dance.
In their second session each week, children will focus on developing their netball skills.
This half term, we will be focusing on ‘Keeping Safe’. Children will be learning the differences between danger, hazards and risks and how they can keep themselves safe in a range of situations.
This half term, we will be focusing on internet safety, linking in with our PSHE topic of ‘Keeping Safe’. Through the resource, ‘Be Internet Legends’ resource, children will learn the skills they need to be safer and more confident online.