

Mrs L Hodges

Class Teacher

Mrs S Hooper

Teaching Assistant

Miss K Dilworth
Mrs N Cleminson

Teaching Assistant

Godrevy Class comprises children in Years 3 and 4.  

Autumn Term 2023

Year 3 and 4 are learning about the Stone Age to Iron Age in History, Art and DT. We have visited Penlee House Gallery and Museum taking part in their pre-historic workshop. We learned how tools developed and changed over time due to outside influences and materials available. We looked at original artefacts found in Cornwall, learnt how to handle artefacts using replica objects and took part in some prehistoric-inspired crafts. 


In science, we have been learning about animals (including humans), looking at nutrition and skeletons. We have also begun to look at seed dispersal, as part of our ongoing plants topic running throughout the year. 



This term, Year 2 are learning about the school and the community in History, and changes that have occurred over time. We have enjoyed sharing memories with parents and local visitors to the school, explaining what school was like when they attended. It has been fascinating to find out how school has changed from the Victorian era to the present day. 


In science, we have been learning about the body and using our senses in a range of experiments as part of animals (including humans) topic. We have also begun our ongoing plants and seasons topics that will be running throughout the year. 


If your child is in Godrevy Class, you can use your Google Classroom parent login to view the class page with information and photographs of what the children are working on.

St Keverne Primary School
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